Need CPR and First Aid certification? Check out:
EARLY C.A.R.E. CPR, 1st Aid, Resources & Education
CPR Education to keep our children safe! A new approach to CPR recertification, from the professionals who know Early Childhood Education best!
This class fulfills requirements for licensing applications and certification is valid for two years.
Child Care Providers may be eligible for reimbursement through the Health and Safety Grant
Sign up for our next CPR and First Aid Recertification Trainings:
Check the Calendar for Upcoming Training
Location: Connections for Children 5901 W. Century BLVD. Suite 400 Los Angeles, CA 90045
Classes are now forming; spaces are limited, so please register today. Please register on before providing payment, as classes may fill up.
(Subject to cancellation if less than 10 participants enroll)
We are also able to host trainings at your site or location
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Tunisia Jackson at (310) 452-3325 Ext. 219 or via email